Monday 31 October 2016

Blog Post #12 - Top Style Picks in Laos

Halloween may have just ended (on my side of the world), but the people of Laos show no signs of slowing down with the fashion and style.....myself included.

Here I am dressed as a Retro Wizard for Halloween....whatever that means

This guy was a wizard making Pho, so I let him try on the outfit as well

But more on the fashion around Laos that gives me my inspiration....

When the city has an 'official' embassy for wellness, hair and nails, you know the city's style must be on another level

Obviously the guys at the Laos hot springs went to the embassy for their passports....tightie whities and track suit

Where can I find this temple?!

Mr. Oven BAKING that hair into perfection

Complement your delicious new hair cut with a legit-looking
Canada Goose jacket at the night market.....

I still lag far behind most international fashion standards....maybe I should just stick to organic certification

My cargo pants unzip at the knee to reveal cargo shorts....WOW

And if my pant shorts were not fashionable enough, I found this meme about fashionable "shoes"

Almost as cool, but just a bit more airflow
Someone is in for a surprise 
To add to the COOL style, I even have a pair of magnetic snap-on sunglasses....

Girls love hearing the sound of the SNAP

1 comment:

  1. Hahahahahaha! There needs to be sequels to this post. I love hearing the sound of a snap or...velcro
